Sunday, February 15, 2009

A very long weekend indeed..

Tomorrow being President’s day, it is a holiday for some of my friends here. As a result, most of them have gone out of town for the long weekend. Since I have to go to work tomorrow, I didn’t make any such plans. But, in a way it was still a loooooonnnnng weekend for me. Given the fact that every weekend I invariably end up going out somewhere, the prospect of spending two full days at home alone seemed reasonable enough. In fact, I even looked forward to spending some quality time with myself.

I spent these two days reading, listening to songs, figuring out how to file my tax returns, solving crossword puzzles, watching movies, organizing the clothes in my closet- something which has been long due and catching up with friends over phone. I usually don’t cook on weekends. And in spite of having nothing much to do, it wasn’t enough to drive me into cooking!!

By evening, I felt kinda cooped up at home. The weather was pleasant and so I went out for a walk. I grabbed something to munch at a Mexican eat out and took a seat by the window. I had hoped to see at least some people, if not a milling crowd. However, the restaurant was almost empty but for one or two tables being occupied. So I ended up watching the cars whiz past on the road outside. Then I went to a store nearby and spent some time simply checking out stuff in the different aisles. Today I got up late and then treated myself to a soothing bubble bath complete with melodious music at my very own home spa!

Many people get Monday morning blues. I am a person who usually gets Sunday evening blues. But today is an exception. I actually find myself looking forward to going to work tomorrow. Even though I wouldn’t exactly say that I got bored, I do admit that the silence of an empty apartment combined with not meeting anybody for two days did get to me a bit! No wonder, I just can’t wait to get out and get going somewhere next weekend :-)


Rajesh kumar N said...

Hey you haven't given the complete picture of what happened in Mexican restaurant... Your buddy who offered you drink ?? :)

Amudha said...

I came to the comments section to say exactly what Rajesh said :D ..

Bhavan said...

This is all I got from this post :
...It was long weekend ......... For a change ......... I took bath.......

Is that it ?